Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Is this election over yet so the emails can stop?

My friend's mom is wonderful person. She is bright and caring and raised one of the most brilliant people I have ever known. We are, however, diametrically opposed when it comes to politics. Recently she sent out an email with a bunch of "facts" about Obama. Her daughter promptly let her have it. Here's what I added. (I had to be nicer 'cause she's not my mom and I don't want to piss her off . Remonstrance or not, I was raised in Brooklyn dammit and we respect our elders).

Political emails are a minefield. I'm not against political discourse but muck racking is pointless. As is the idea that you're going to change someone's mind with an email full of half truths and innuendo. At a minimum, I'm guessing that no one on this list is less than 30 and probably has already formed some pretty solid ideas about where they stand. I'm sure the liberals and the democrats could come up with some pretty choice stuff about McCain but would it matter? I could tell you real but disturbing facts about him and his supporters would probably not blink an eye. On some level we all have the courage of our convictions. It is naive to think that the other side doesn't as well. As Claire said, the issues are point of the exercise-where does a candidate stand and do you agree with his/her position? That's the discussion we should be having. If you are anti-abortion it wouldn't matter if his name were Ben Franklin-you'd still not vote for him.The personal baloney is useless. Not many of us could run for office if our personal lives were examined closely enough. And those who could clearly don't have enough life experience to qualify. Nobody here is running for sainthood. Clinton was an unapologetic philanderer and the economy soared. Nixon was a thief but he got us out of Viet Nam and opened China (although we might regret that one). Jimmy Carter is pure as the driven snow and let's face it; while a super nice guy, not the most effective president we ever had.What's his religion? Who cares! Anybody remember separation of church and state? As for me, I'm holding out for an atheist. I appreciate the earnestness of those who forward these things. I appreciate that you believe your world view to be correct and care enough about the people on your list to share it with them and try to bring them into the fold. Clearly the intentions are good. And the exchange of well formed ideas is one of the best parts of living in a democracy. But when we send out emails that haven't been properly vetted, simply because they support our position, we do a disservice to the recipient and to our own beliefs.


Tave said...

"Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded." - Anon

While 'yer at it, put some more lipstick on that pig...

chucky said...

Hi Betty, it's Karyn. Thought you might find this "email fwd" as funny as I did.
