Here are some biblical fun facts for those who think Palin et al have a clue:
There is but one mention in the entire bible about homosexuality. And that is in the old testament. "Man shall not lie with man as with woman". Maybe that's the Isrealite way of saying "you might be able to leave the Missus unsatisfied but Bruce from the leather bar is gonna want his!". Jesus Christ is never quoted as having said a word about it, one way or the other. We do know he never married and he hung around with 12 other dudes. No word on where he stood regarding Fire Island vs. the Hamptons.
Jesus Christ was a Socialist or at very least he believed in a welfare state. He fed the hungry without asking them about their personal responsibility or lack of financial acuity; he overturned the merchant's tables in the temple as a desecration of God's altar. Apparently, capitalism, when not in the service of the people, offended him. He even supported taxation and big government-"give to Cesar what is Cesar's and to God what is God's". Krikey-Jesus is a Democrat! I'd put that man on Obama's ticket but a Jew and a black man will get elected together exactly N-E-V-E-R!
Christ neither judged not gave anyone permission to stand in judgment of anyone else, e.g. "Judge not lest ye be judged" and the ever popular "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". Oh my, your lord and savior was a liberal to boot!
God must be a humanist: "whatever you do to the least among you, you do to me." Nice, next time you burn a cross on someone's lawn or desecrate a funeral chanting about 'fags" or refuse to help the poor because you feel they should have known better, you can remind yourself that you've just done the same to God's only son. Ouch!
I know I'm preaching to the choir. If you're reading this, chances are you're either an atheist or at least agnostic, but surely a liberal minded thinker. Let me at least share with you what I wish I could with those who've drunk the Kool Aid.
If you are going to believe in this stuff and shove it down everyone's throat then for the love of your God, at least know it well yourself. Christ had a beautiful philosophy and it has nothing to do with the agenda of the Christian right. If you are going to quote the bible don't forget the bits about women remaining silent (see Corinthians and half of the old testament), multiple wives being OK (hey, the Mormons didn't make it up out of whole cloth), killing your sons if they grow their hair long and let's not forget the rules on the proper punishment of slaves! How deluded are these people really? How much must they loathe themselves that they spend their lives in judgment and condemnation of others? Which, by the way, is in complete opposition to the philosophy they claim to espouse.
I get that ignorance really is bliss. But abdicating control of your own life for the panacea and protection of a myth is a devil's bargain; it takes so much more effort to deny reason. All I'm asking is that if you are going to drink the Kool Aid of religion at least read the label and get the directions right. It won't be as much fun as looking down on others from the heights of your self-proclaimed moral superiority, but you'll do less harm and might even actually do someone some good. Including yourself. Because if there is a God and he sees what a mess his followers have made of the instructions he left behind-he is gonna be pissed!
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