Thursday, October 9, 2008

Save a Pig-Boycott Lipstick

My wonderful, brilliant friend Claire just forwarded me an article by Richard Dawkins, a noted Atheist writer. In this article Mr. Dawkins decries the VP nomination of Sarah Palin as potentially the most dangerous nomination in the history of elections. Here's a link, read it for yourself Of course I agree with Dawkins, however the question he leaves unanswered is the "why" of it. To whit, I pose the following questions to all of you:

Has the entire Republican party lost their minds and so completely drunk the Kool Aid that no one on that side of the fence is going to stand up and take their party back from the religious freaks that high-jacked it during and after Reagan?

Where, oh where, are the Masons when you need them? Or is this all a plot by some secret intellectual organization to cull the herd of humanity by allowing the stupid to run the show until they obliterate half of us?

Or worse, is this a plot by some very evil but very smart people to feed the cud chewing masses a exemplar of their own mediocrity and thus stultify the public and run the country themselves behind the scenes?

Can things really be as broken as they seem, with the extremes of both sides having completely road blocked any discourse between the middles?

Is anybody going to call Palin on her ideological mind-fuck of a statement that her daughter's pregnancy and the continuation of same was (and I quote) "HER CHOICE"! What the hell? This woman would deny every woman in America not only the right to choose but the right to be informed. Yet she applauds that her daughter has availed herself of the very rights she seeks to destroy? It simply baffles the mind!

Is the temporary numbing that religion and faith provide people like Palin, really worth the price of having to pretend for the rest of your life that you have no doubts? And if you have no doubts, then what about having relinquished responsibility and ownership of your own existence in trade for the protection of a beneficent despot?

There are defining ideological differences between the parties. Most simply put, Republicans want government out of your wallet and Democrats want it out of your bedroom. For the record, I do not think that the Democrats and the Republicans have become the same shit. I do agree that they have become shit-but very different flavors. However, I still believe in a 2 party system. Don't agree? Check out Latin America. Stay in Argentina too long and you might get elected-they've got shit loads of parties and a new president every 5 weeks.

My argument against this woman is not about the political differences, it's about competence. I fear for a country where a party that once couched their misanthropy in logic now throws common sense to the wind and accepts the lowest common denominator as it's representative. This woman is stupid, uneducated, uninformed, hypocritical, an extremist, a liar, and what frightens me most of all is this: who is waiting behind the wings to pull this puppet's strings if she manages to get into power? She's going to turn to someone for answers and it won't be a think tank or a brain trust. It'll be her moron pastor or worse-all the cronies that gave us 8 long years of Bush!

Some would say that a people gets the government it deserves. For the longest time I thought this unfair as I NEVER voted for Bush. But then I realize that so very many of us who have a mind, who get it, never vote, never speak up. The intelligent have ceded the floor to the defectives. The football players are running the debate team. We are like Rome in the final years of the empire. We have perverted the brilliant gift of our founding fathers and corrupted the beautiful experiment. We are now fat, dumb and unhappy. Hot Pockets are the new bread and gossip is the new circus. But bread and circuses, then and now, are the distraction of choice for a population reluctant to admit that their ignorance has opened the barbarian's door.

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